Welcome to our family website and the platform for our book of memoirs! We’re Christopher Burnett + Terri Anderson Burnett and we have been a family since March of 1979. We’re both lifelong professional musicians, entrepreneurs, and educators based out of the Kansas City metropolitan area. See BurnettMusic.biz
There is a common saying: “Home is where the heart is.” Over our many decades together as a family we’ve found this saying to be true of each of the homes we’ve made together around the world.

No matter where we are.
Together we are home.

INTRODUCTION: Christopher and Terri (Anderson) Burnett established their branch of The Burnett Family in March of 1979 in Copenhagen, Denmark while serving in Germany with the US military band based at Ansbach then. They are both still active professional musicians, educators, and entrepreneurs based in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area.
Watch the video and also see the details listed on the Burnett Music Timeline at BurnettPublishing.com
Book of Memoirs

Welcome to excerpts from our book of memoirs and articles on many topics encountered during our life’s journey together and written over many decades. These blog posts are complete thoughts but are only portions of complete articles and chapters of our book.
Click the individual post titles listed below.
Vi’s 100th Birthday Year
This month marks the centennial birthday year of my mother Violet Lorraine Jackson Burnett (1924-2012). That’s mom standing on the right in the Polaroid of us on our porch in the series of pictures that were taken by Terri’s parents at our home in Missouri in the spring of 1989. Mom is 68 years old …
Daughter Dads
This past Monday was my father-in-law Dave’s birthday and he would have been 91 years old. Terri Anderson Burnett still greatly misses her father and I miss him too. It has become our tradition to honor ancestors of our time. We acknowledge and celebrate Dave’s birthday quietly in our home between the two of us. …
Kansas City Area Youth Jazz Inc.
YOUTHJAZZ.US UPDATE The technical subtleties and refined essence of any highly sophisticated art form like jazz music are most genuinely perpetuated by master artists directly passing along their knowledge to the following generations of artists. Kansas City Area Youth Jazz actually realizes that artist industry mentoring paradigm while also teaching the business craftsmanship and techniques of …
We’re on Facebook. It’s best to contact us through social networks to reconnect or chat. We get inundated with emails and receive hundreds daily so we’re not timely with responses. We still keep a landline phone that screens business inquiries and contact from people who don’t have our mobile numbers. It has voicemail.

Office: (913) 250-5141