🔗 BurnettSchool.net 🎵🎶
Practicing makes you better.

I have (and have had for decades) the honor and privilege of working with people of all ages studying music.

School ages to adults. Amateur players to fellow professionals. We’re all perpetual students of music regardless how long we have been practicing it.

Note how I refer to doing music as a “practice?”

That’s because it is. Just like a doctor practices medicine and a lawyer practices law. A musician practices music. Music is both art and science.

Practice is applied research. Practice builds individual competencies and technical skills.

Practice allows individuals to create and work in harmony with other musicians who also practice.

Rehearsals are actually not a place for individuals to practice their individual musical parts.

Rehearsals are the places for directors and conductors to literally create a larger collaborative musical instrument called an ensemble.

Ensembles serve the musical work as an instrument created from a group of practiced individual musicians collectively performing together.

Practicing makes you better.

Musings In Cb: “LIFE HABITS”

PHOTO by Corinna Gray Photography (2023)
Christopher and Terri (Anderson) Burnett established their branch of The Burnett Family in March of 1979 in Copenhagen, Denmark. They are professional musicians, educators, and entrepreneurs based in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.